Car Loans - Five Steps to Getting the Best Interest Rates
Any person who has a good credit status can easily get credit for any loan. Aside from owning a home, most people have this dream of someday owning their very own set of wheels. A car is not just a luxury because owning one can make a difference between getting to important destinations on time and comfortably.
However, vehicles do not come cheap and people have to save and wait for years so they can buy a car. But there is a way for people to get their dream cars without having to wait for years and that is through a car loan.
As a general rule, only people who have very good credit ratings can be guaranteed a successful car loan application. Of course, others who have less than perfect credit ratings may still be able to get a car loan but that will definitely take time. A person who is planning to someday own a car should rake care of his credit rating.
A car loan is quite easy to get if a person has the right credit reputation and the documents to show for it. A car loan is easier to obtain compared to other loans because the car itself serves as a collateral or security for the loan.
Getting a car loan may b easier compared to other loans but a person has to pass through all the usual procedures like applying for the car loan and having his credit verified. A car loan is a big responsibility and so a person has to make sure he has a substantial income to pay for the car loan.
Anyone applying for a car loan will definitely want the best deal for him in terms of the interest rates and the term of payment. Companies providing car loans usually prefer to give out such loans on a short or medium term basis because cars depreciate after several years.
A person who wants to get a good deal on his car loan should consider the following steps so he can get the best rates in town.
1.Always deal with the car dealers.
Dealing with agents can make the whole process easier on the part of the car loan applicant. However, it can mean additional burden in terms of the commission which the agent will surely get out of the sale. A car dealer may be able to offer the buyer the lowest cost possible since they do not have to pay the agent's commission. They may also be able to offer more benefits and perks f0r the borrower since they are directly dealing with him.
2.Choose a bank where you already have an established credit.
Getting credit from a bank that knows your credit history and that has already dealt with you in the past for other financial transaction can make the car loan easier and more efficient. Bank usually gives preference and privileges to a client who has a good credit standing. Sometimes, the privilege can mean a lower interest rate so check out what they can offer in these areas.
3.Approach other banks or lending institutions
Lenders will always outdo each other in giving special loan discounts and other perks to loan applicants with good credit ratings. A person with good credit rating should approach as many lenders as possible to make sure he is getting the best deal for his car loan. Some lenders may offer lower interest rates or a locked interest rates and this would be beneficial to the borrower. Some benefits can come in the form of perks like free insurance, car accessories and the likes.
4.Inquire from local or special organizations
A person who belongs to a cooperative or a certain organization should inquire about the possibility of getting the car loan through his organization. A group loan can be less expensive and more advantageous for the borrowers because if it is a bulk sale or loan then there is a big possibility that the dealer will give out a discount or will implement the car loan on special terms.
5.Make sure the car financing agreement including the specifics on interest rates are in writing.
Most car loan deals go sour to the detriment of the borrower because there are agreements that have not been put into writing. A borrower should make sure that the car agent or dealer or the bank puts the agreement in writing. Once the contract is about to be signed, do not sign it hastily but ask to be given ample time so that the contract can be properly inspected or studied. Take note of hidden charges and possible increases in the interest rate while the loan is being paid for.
Read Full Article Here: Car Loans - Five Steps to Getting the Best Interest Rates
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